Everything Magic Book (Davidson)
My Everything Magic Book is just that:
lessons in every kind of Magic.
Magic, Stage Magic
(The Big Stuff!)
Everything is explained so you can be on
your way to Magic stardom! This
is a great book whether you are just starting out in magic and "want
to do it right" or if you're a seasoned pro looking for some
more "ammo."
304 pages with photographs.
(1 Book Only)
Price $13.00/Shipping & Handling Code C (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How to order.
Mysteries of Magic
This book is fantastic for children, great for parents and teachers
and pretty cool for grown ups who just want to learn "a few
easy-to-do Magic tricks". It also comes with a Magic kit so
you have everything you need to start creating magic right away.
Some of my favorite tricks in this book are:
& White & Red All Over
You've Got a Coin Coming out of Your Ear
Bending Spoon Illusion
the Sticky Wand
Your Assistant in Half
in the Bottle
Their Minds
Amazing Flying Birds
Card Monkey
Yourself in Half
a Card Any Card
Great Escape
in the Straw
Melting Hand
48 pages,
hardcover, spiral bound with full color photographs and of course,
the Magic kit!
(1 set only)
Price $13.00/Shipping & Handling Code C (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How to order.
This is one of the best Rope-Magic tricks in the world. It has been
a classic in the repertoire of many performing Magicians and the
reason for that is it's amazing! Oh yeah, the other reason
is, it's also very simple to do. Here's what happens. You take three
separate pieces of rope and show that they are also three different
sizes; short, medium and long. Holding three of the ends in one
hand the other hand brings the bottom end of each rope up to join
the tops. Now with three ends in one hand and three bottoms in the
other, you separate the hands and the ropes seem to visibly stretch
so they are all the same length. This trick really looks like real
magic! When you're ready, you simply reverse the magic and once
again the ropes are back to three different sizes. Get this - you
can immediately hand them out for inspection. The ropes are absolutely
100% rope, no elastic, no pulley system, no silicone implants; just
rope. That can mean only one thing. You must be a Magician!
You get the carefully made ropes and the step-by-step photo instructions.
Price $10.00/Shipping & Handling Code C (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How to order.
Rope Trick
I've used this rope trick for over 25 years and today it gets a
better reaction than ever. It's got everything; a logical beginning,
a confusing middle and a surprise ending and, did I mention you
can do it right away? I know, that sounds iffy, but it's true. It's
simply great.
You start off by showing a length of rope. You know, one rope-two
ends right?
Then, after trying to tie a couple of simple knots, the rope just
won't knot; but it does keep growing more ends. Two, three then
four ends-from one rope? That's not right! Wait a minute; that's
two ropes; but you started with just one rope. Suddenly (and more
importantly, visibly!) those two short ropes melt together as one
long rope between your two measly hands. What the heck? Now, as
you were saying, you will tie a knot. Boom, it's there! Knot only
that (get it? Knot only sorry.) but there's more.
When you open your hands (the same one's that were holding the rope
all along) yep, two more knots!
Oh, come on! This trick blows their minds and is super simple to
do (if you have the right stuff)You
get it all. The specially-made, gimmicked prop, the step-by-step
photo instructions; that's all you need and, "It's Show Time!"
Price $15.00/Shipping & Handling Code C (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How to order.
Learning the Ropes
(The Rope Set)
When you purchase both the Professor's Nightmare & the 1-2-1
Rope Trick, we knock off 5 bucks and you knock out more people with
your amazing woven wizardry. We'll also tell you how to get from
one trick to the other to create a rope routine that really plays
big and packs small.
You get both tricks created with professional, washable and contrasting
trimmed ropes and the step-by-step photo instructions
Price $20.00/Shipping & Handling Code D (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How to order.
Cards Already!
In your hands are 1,2,3,4,5,6 cards. You count them out. Then you
take three away and hey, wait a minute there are still 1,2,3,4,5,6
cards. What is this, a magic trick? Yeah!
You count them again there are 6 okay, got it.
The you peel off another 3. But there are 1,2,3,4,5,6 left, that's
impossible. Not for you. You do it again.
And again (believe it or not) The cards just seem to keep multiplying,
appearing heck, I don't know where are they coming from
anyway? Are you a card shark, a master manipulator? Nope, just a smart
They'll never know it's easy as 1,2,3 and then of course, 4,5,6.
These hand-made cards do all of the work and you sit back (or stand
up proud) and "deliver the goods".
This is a trick that you can perform in a living room, a boardroom
or a packed room. Where do all of those cards come from? Only you
will know.
You get the cards, the step-by-step photo instructions and a sure-fire
crowd pleaser
Price $15.00/Shipping & Handling Code C (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How to order.
Magi-Quicks Manuscript also available.
Bills Too
(The Six Bill Repeat)
This is the same effect as 6 Cards Already but instead of playing
cards, real money multiplies right before their very eyes. That's
right, genuine US green backs, cabbage, cash, bucks, keep coming
from nowhere. This is a great trick already but when you add the
element of making money, money and more money by Magic, well let's
just say, there's a whole new reason to pay attention.
It costs more than 6 Cards Already (described above) because the
money used in this professional set is the real McCoy. This is a
great boardroom tie-in to finance, saving, investment, banking etc.
get the bills, the step-by-step photo instructions and this mighty
Midas miracle.
Price $40.00/Shipping & Handling Code C (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How to order. Magi-Quicks Manuscript also available.
Here's a trick that will blow you (and your friends) away, literally!
You blow hot air (you supply the hot air) into a tiny soda bottle.
Suddenly a rainbow-colored string magically floats up, out, down,
then back in through the bottom of the bottle. This is very hard
to explain in words and it's pretty confusing, live, close-up and
personal too but the string is in a continuous, liquid like motion.
You'll have to stop while people do a few "oohs", "ahhs"
and "what the hecks."
Okay, that's cool enough but listen to this. While the string is
making it's "rounds" you push a solid hoop right through
the side of the string. That's right, the hoop penetrates the string
and even though you see it with your own three eyes, it just can't
be. You can even have spectators hold onto the hoop and do it themselves!
Believe me, when you first do this you won't believe it, it's Wwaaay
Cool! This is a great for getting instant attention and interaction
during Walk-Around Magic or you can just carry it in your pocket
and pull it out when you want to see people scratching their heads.
get the Trick-a-Cola bottle and blowing stem, the hoop and the step-by-step
photo instructions & performance tips.
Price $10.00/Shipping and Handling Code B (USA),
How to order.
Out of Siberia Escape Trick
Another Classic. This version of the Siberian Chain Escape will
make you look like a real You-dini. A chain and padlock are examined
and proven to be solid, strong and normal. The chain is wrapped
around both of your wrists and locked securely locked in place.
There is no way a mortal could escape these bonds. Oh yeah? Suddenly
you do a 360 and when you spin back around, the chains and lock
hang from your freed fingertips. Wow, this is an amazing piece of
escape artistry that you can master in minutes and present to the
multitude of admirers who follow you everywhere chanting, "Oh
master of the chains we're not worthy!" This is a very
pretty set, not
the "El Cheapo" version that you find all over the place.
get the shimmering zinc plate chain with brass D rings, the genuine
Master Lock, they key, the step-by-step photo instructions &
performance tips.
Price $15.00/Shipping and Handling Code D (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How
to order.
of Siberia Escape Trick
(Super Stage Size)
Okay, you take the drama of Out of Siberia and you super-size it
so it's bigger, bulkier, noisier and even more impossible looking;
that's what Out of Siberia (Super Stage Size) is all about. This
is the ultimate upgrade from our already striking deluxe equipment.
The chain, the lock rings, even the solid brass locks are much larger
and that much more impressive. Again, the quality of this set is
most impressive and professional looking. It's not a kid's toy.
get the Blue Chrome chain and O-rings, the case hardened Magnum
Master Lock, the key, the step-by-step photo instructions &
performance tips.
Price $25.00/Shipping & Handling Code E (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How
to order.
Wipes Gag
Here's a wacky, nutty gag that makes 'em laugh every time. You bring
out a regular looking kitchen towel and show both sides to be fresh
and clean. Then you ask a spectator to wipe their hands on it to
make sure they are dry, clean, free of cooties . whatever.
When they are finished you turn the towel back around and the audience
falls over with laughter! Why? because now the towel is covered
with horrible black handprints and smudges and looks like a diesel
mechanic used it for a shop rag. It's a huge surprise, especially
to the helper; their eyes usually bug out and they immediately look
at the palms of their hands (as if they might have been that dirty!").
Hand-y Wipes is hands-down winner for magicians, emcees, clowns
or anybody who likes to make people laugh.
get the specially made towel, the step-by-step photo instructions
& performance tips.
Price $25.00/Shipping & Handling Code C (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How
to order.
& Crystal Trick
Everybody likes comedy magic but there's also no substitute for
serious skill and time staking talent. This trick makes you look
like you have it all. You begin by showing a dinner plate on both
sides and a clear goblet by its elegant stem. Carefully, carefully,
you attempt to balance the "crystal" on the "china".
"Shh!" You'll need complete silence and focused concentration.
Suddenly you release your grasp on the goblet and it precariously
balances on the edge of the plate. By the wobbling, it's pretty
evident you aren't far away from disaster but you are able to maintain
the balance. You could end this trick right there but I wouldn't.
I say push this puppy to the limit. After the applause you take
a bow, "thank you, thank you very much!", then the laughter
hits. The goblet is hanging off the edge of the plate you are
a fake, a cheater, a fraud. The goblet is attached to the plate
by some unseen force. Quickly you attempt to cover up by grabbing
the goblet off of the plate's edge but it's too late, everyone is
laughing at you (and most importantly they're also laughing with
you.) You show both sides of the plate again proving there was no
way even that could have happened and you ride the wave of laughter
into your off into the sunset and your next trick. This is a very
cool trick and it's a ton of fun to perform. It's even fun just
to play with, practice with and make faces in the mirror around.
The cool mechanics of this piece make it James Bond sneaky-good
and yes, the props do all of the work. Obviously this is not the
children's stunt where you support a tumbler with your thumb. This
is a transparent goblet and unless you've got a thumb the length
of a carrot, there's just no way. You just make the faces and say
the "taa daa's" and wait for the laughs and take the applause!
get the specially gimmicked plate and goblet, the step-by-step photo
instructions & performance tips.
Price $50.00/Shipping & Handling Code F How
to order.
"You" Card Trick
Let's assume your name is Goober. Let's also assume you are a man.
You begin showing the faces of the cards in a deck, asking your
helper to remember the name of one card. Once they have done that,
you close up the deck, hold it to your head and begin to go into
a deep state of concentration or constipation depending on how dramatic
you think a card trick should really be.
it comes to you. (The name of the card that is.) This is unbelievable!
Believe it or not, the name of the card you are thinking of is…Goober!
You talk about your coincidence. Here's about when your helper will
start to look at you like you have been struck by lightning.? What?
I don't get it. Oh yeah, you forgot to tell them something.
Sure, the cards have the regular face names, values and suits that
you showed at first but they also have names on their backs, human
names. Turning over the pack you see handwritten in black marker,
human names; Joey, Sandra, Gabe, Max, Nancy, Betty and so on. ?
When your helper finally tells you what the face name of their card
was, (Let's say it was the Ace of Spades) you find that card in
the deck. You flip over the card and right there, on the back, “You
gotta' be kidding me!”; is the name, “Goober”.
Of course the name won't really be Goober (unless Goober really
is your name and we're sorry about that).
name is your name…you! This is an extremely entertaining and
easy to perform trick with a great surprise ending.
Don't forget to let us know what name you need for your
You get the custom made deck, step-by-step photo instructions &
performance tips
$10.00/Shipping & Handling Code B (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How
to order.
U-2Card Trick (The
Ultimate "You" Card Trick)
If you think The "You" Card Trick sounds impossible, imagine
this ultimate version.
You tell your helper that his card's name is Goober. You get that
same "what an idiot" look back from him and ask him
what card he thought he saw. He tells you he remembered the Ace
of Spades (or whatever card he really says) so you remove it from
the deck, face up in front of him.
Now you explain that the cards all have human names and you go
through the entire deck looking for a Goober but guess what? The
deck is Goober-less.
Imagine the surprise when you helper lifts his own card and finds
the name Goober (or your name, you get it right?) on the back.
telling you, this is some strong magic and through the use of a
secret magic gimmick it works every time, even if the helper forgets,
makes-up or lies about what card he really remembered (yeah, it
happens alright…”Ha-ha, mess with the magic guy!…Not!”)
you master the use of this gimmick you can even make up your own
original mind blowing card magic using regular playing cards.
get the custom-made deck, a large supply of the magic gimmick, step-by-step
instructions and performance tips.
Price $20.00/Shipping & Handling Code D (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How
to order.
Money Card Trick
Have a spectator select a card from the deck. The card is cut back
into the deck and the entire deck is held between the spectator's
explain that you know what card he chose. You tell him that magicians,
professional gamblers, and card sharks all consider one card in
the deck to be "The Money Card" and you offer to demonstrate.
reach into your pocket and pull out a quarter. You place the coin
in your hand and squeeze it over top of the spectator's hands and
the now clammy deck. When you open your hand, miraculously the coin
has vanished.
spectator now places the deck on the table and when it's spread,
there on top of one card is the quarter.
the first time you ask the spectator to tell you the name of is
card. When he tells you, you lift the quarter off of the card and
turn the card over. It's a perfect match.
only did the coin vanish from your hand into a deck the spectator
was holding all along, but it also just happened to have met up
with "The Money Card". That's not even a magic trick that's
a miracle right in the palm of your hand.
A secret
gimmick does most of the work with the cards and our detailed step-by-step
instructions explain a very effective coin vanish. You only need
to worry about catching a fainting spectator.
make this trick even more amazing, we suggest using The Vanishing
Coin Trick below with The Money Card Trick
You get the cards, the coins, the secret gimmick, the step-by-step
instructions and performance tips
Price $15.00/Shipping & Handling Code C (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How
to order.
Vanishing Coin Trick
years, many Professional Magicians have used a number of secret
little gimmicks to instantly vanish a coin (among other things).
This is the one that really works every time and now, you can do
it too without the hours and hours of knuckle busting practice.
a coin in the palm of the hand, close your fingers around it, say
the Magic words or wiggle your nose and presto, when you open your
fingers, the coin has gone.
you want, you can make it re-appear by pulling it out of someone's
ear, your pocket or eye socket.
is a great way to vanish the coin in The Money Card Trick above.
You get the coin, the secret gimmick pull and step-by-step photo
Price $10.00/Shipping & Handling Code B (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F How
to order.
Professional Magicians Practice Mirror
“One of
the essential elements of practicing magic is the ability to view
practiced sleights in real-time."
You need to be able to see what you are doing, when you are doing
"How did
Magicians practice before Magi-flect?"
1. Trial and Error
They practiced a trick by themselves until it was ready to show
their poor families.
2. Using The Hall Mirror
They looked at a reversed reflection of what they were seeing, not
what their audience would see.
3. Video Tape
Videos are great later, but a Magician needs to see what's being
practiced now so mistakes don’t get a chance to become habits.
"So what
makes the Magi-flect such a hot tool?"
Multi-angle, adjustable viewing (3 mirrors cover all the angles)
Ultra-thin tri-fold storage (folds to under 1/2")
Minimally framed panels (maximum viewing area)
Genuine glass with clear undistorted image (not Plexiglas or Mylar)
Large Size 1' X 3' (perfect for "standing back")
Bidirectional Folding (maximum adjustment for maximum angles)
Custom soft cloth protective case included (protect you investment)
Answers/Real Learning REAL MAGIC!
(1 Set Only)
Price $35.00/Shipping & Handling Code F (USA),
International Shipping use S&H Code F
to order.
a great way to get some fantastic Magic and save some cash too!
Manuscripts and full color photographs carefully guide you step
by step through the creation of some of the greatest Magic effects
are a few of our favorites:
Manuscript #5 – Six Bill Repeat
The cash just seems to keep on coming and coming!
If you think making cards appear from thin air gets some attention,
wait ‘til you start magically making money appear!
What Happens:
dollar bills (or you can use fives, tens, twenties even hundreds
if you want to make some eyes pop) are shown and clearly counted;
there are 1-2-3-4-5-6.
Now 3 of those bills are removed and placed aside in full view.
The bills are counted again and guess what? Yup,…there
are still 1-2-3-4-5-6; (What the…?)!
Okay, another chance; 3 bills are once again removed and placed
aside in full view.
Once again, the bills are recounted and there are still 6 bills
This is repeated again and's repeated again!
oh man, talk about your passin’ the buck! Where is all of
that moola coming from? This must be Magic!
is a trick that you can present as a serious display of your ten
talented talons (that’s your fingers) or as an audience
rib-tickler. The bills just seem to keep coming and coming and
This is a great trick to “theme” with patter (a story)
about sales, saving, values, dreams coming true or even shopping.
Your own creativity is the only limit to the possibilities of
this easy-to-carry miracle with big time visual appeal.
Magician’s Manuscript, assembly tips, secret instructions
and photographs showing both “in action” and “behind
the scenes” construction and performance views.
Manuscript Only
Photo Instructions
Price $4.00/Shipping & Handling Code A How
to order.
Manuscript #6 – Six Card Repeat
This is the same great effect as Six Bill Repeat (Magi-Quicks
Manuscript #5) except it uses playing cards.
Hey,...this guy is good! Where are all of those cards coming from?
This is also an easily themed trick. Your own creativity is the
only limit to the possibilities of this easy-to-carry miracle
with Big Time visual appeal.
Manuscript #7 – Instant Card to Cash
card 2 cash bill.jpg
A “quickie” you can carry & perform anytime you
want to be amazing!
Look like a real Pro…now!
What Happens
A single playing card is shown in one hand.
The opposite hand is shown empty and simply waved over the card.
Instantly, the card transforms into it a genuine dollar bill!
Instead, you might want the card to change into a five, a ten,
a twenty…even hundred. Either way, this trick is super
impressive and will stop ‘em in their tracks.